Friday, June 27, 2008

What was that!!!

I have a funny story, that at the time wasn't to funny =o)

Last night I was in bed almost asleep when all of a sudden I hear 4 bangs....kind of like someone banging on a wall. I sit up in bed and automatically think someone is trying to get into our house. I call Eric (the hubby, who is at his parents house playing xbox live with his Dad lol) At this point I'm whispering...

Me: "I think someone is trying to get into our house....I heard some weird noises!"

Eric: "Okay Sweetie I'm on my way... There is a shot gun in the closet...Love you, bye!"

So I'm sitting there thinking to myself(and answering myself lol)... .o0 okay, should I get up and look around...That would be great if I wasn't froze and unable to move lol.... should I get the shot gun...Oh Lordy no!....Should I lock myself in my room or Garretts room....okay Eric where are you.... (all this time I keep hearing the noises)

I call Eric again...

Me: "Where are you at?"

Eric: "I'm almost home babe, stay calm. Love you bye."

My Hero finally arrives....I slowly get up just to make sure it is him.

Me: "did you see anyone or anything?"

bout that time I heard it again....

Eric: "Is that thunder you are hearing?"

Me: "ohhhhhhhhhhhh I could have swore someone was breaking in!!"

lol...I felt sooooooooooo stupid. We laughed so hard about it. But hey! Better safe that sorry ;o)